Self-Assessment: New Media Art


I really enjoyed the mashup project assignment. I’ve never really edited multiple videos or used video editing software before, especially different clips and pasted them together. I’ve learned the basics of video editing, even though it was frustrating to understand. Another this is place unrelated clips and audio together to create a whole different dialogue. It’s an idea, a concept that I’ve never thought about utilizing to get a point across. Knowing that you can take copyrighted materials and re-contextualizing to help get your ideas out into the world is an amazing thing.

The generative process project was my least favorite and didn’t really work well for me just because I  wasn’t fully understanding what the generative process is about. It could be anything, which is pretty broad and intimidating, but also great. There are endless possibilities. I think my “song” could’ve been reconstructed better to represent a generative process or it’s probably fine and I’m just unsure of what the project was supposed to be about.

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