
It’s almost here! Art All Night is right around the corner & I’m super excited to say that I will be submitting an art piece for the fourth time in a row. For me, it’s one time out of the year I look forward to in having my work displayed for thousands of eyes to lay upon and to also immerse myself in a factory-full of unique pieces of art.

What is ART ALL NIGHT you ask? Well, it’s literally a 24-hour free event filled to the brim with insane art, live music, and delicious food set in the ever-changing capital of New Jersey: Trenton. For 11 years, Art All Night has been a platform for artists to showcase their masterpieces no matter what skill level they have reached; from well-known, professional artists to three-year-old artists ready to get their art off the refrigerator. This year the event will be this Saturday to Sunday from 3:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Roebling Wire Works factory building.

There are tons of things to see and do:

Enjoy thousands of artwork.

Art All Night Gallery ASONY DSC13419263_10154072138882224_3980869486038146145_n

Listen to some awesome music.


Witness live graffiti & glassblowing.


Indulge in delicious food.


And so much more. So, if you’re in the area come check it out. Maybe it’ll give you some inspiration to create something beautiful. Don’t forget to submit it for next year. 🙂


Photo cred. websites: